National Rocket Inspired

Solid Body Steels, Reso, Weissenborn...
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National Rocket Inspired

Post by audiokat »

Alright so here's the beginning of my first build! I'm shooting for a National Rocket inspired lap steel. I don't plan to go for a faithful recreation but just inspiration.

I was able to find a great local sawmill here in Nashville that had all locally fallen wood and picked up this slab of Cherry.
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Here's the two pieces I was able to get from the slab. After planing I will choose which which will be the winner.
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Next week I will pickup some maple. The "wings" so to speak will be made of the maple and will likely attempt a inlay on the headstock from the maple. After planing, sanding, and shaping I will likely let the cherry age in the sun for a week to darken it rather than any staining.

More to come and thanks everyone on this forum for all the help!

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Re: National Rocket Inspired

Post by azureskys »

Steve, just a little tip here , if you plane and shape that wood then let it set in the bright sun for a week or so you might find that it ll be warped , just something to consider . I know you want that patina on the wood but that only comes with age been there done that had to learn the hard way , humidity heat and bright sun will take it s toll on your freshly planed and shaped wood, just a tip for ya . Russ ;)
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:05 am

Re: National Rocket Inspired

Post by audiokat »

azureskys wrote:Steve, just a little tip here , if you plane and shape that wood then let it set in the bright sun for a week or so you might find that it ll be warped , just something to consider . I know you want that patina on the wood but that only comes with age been there done that had to learn the hard way , humidity heat and bright sun will take it s toll on your freshly planed and shaped wood, just a tip for ya . Russ ;)
That makes total sense. My woodworker friend told me to leave it out for 2 days max. Not sure what the ramifications are for that length of time.
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