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Pedal Steel Arm Pad

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:15 am
by na4it
On pedal steels with arm pads, does the pad sit level with the strings, or level with the top of the neck? Think about building a D8 console, and would like to have that feature on it.

Scott, the novice steeler...

Re: Pedal Steel Arm Pad

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:54 am
by Bent
Don't know if there is a standard, but for me, I make the pad match the height of the C6 strings if they had been there. In other words, the top of the pad sits 1/4" below the level of the E9th strings

Re: Pedal Steel Arm Pad

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:59 am
by richard37066
Scott -

I have a feeling that this falls within the category of "personal preference". On the Dekley that I'm rebuilding, the first pad that I made sat even with the strings. I found it to be uncomfortable - for me - and commenced to fabricate a second one which sits slightly above the fretboard. I almost made a fatal mistake in committing to the final version on the first try. Fortunately, I was able to salvage the embossed vinyl that I used and was able to use it on the second. Given my "aw, crap" moment, I would suggest making a mockup and giving it a test run. A little trial and error never hurt anything. Seems like my position is just about where Bent describes his preference.


Re: Pedal Steel Arm Pad

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:38 pm
by gamac
On the subject of arm pads for the back neck, is there anyone who is making these at a reasonable price.

Last one I had made was by a guy in Alabama, but his name eludes me at the moment. That was
about ten years ago.