Building Pedal Steel Books

If it has Pedals...
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Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by Ophir »

I have made a couple of lap steels and would like to progress later to Making a Pedal Steel. Can anyone recommend any publications on building a pedal steel? I was about to buy Gluck's CDs but have read reviews saying they are a waste of time. Does member Mac here still produce his Publication and is it worth buying? Is an all pull system ok? I am new to this guys so any comments appreciated.

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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by azureskys »

Hi Ophir, Glucks cd will show you alot of things along with some plans , i would suggest it but others would dissagree with me as to its value .As far as Mac on the forum here i dont know if he is done with his book or not ,id like to have a copy myself.The guys on the forum here can and will help you in any way they can in building or helping you build a pedal steel guitar , just ask questions and you ll get an answer, build a body a pickup , changer etc etc its all here for the asking. Russ (azureskys) :D
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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by Ophir »

Thanks Russ. I may buy the Gluck CD. Just gotta figure out later how to fabricate metal parts too. I am ok with wood but metalwork....hmmmm??
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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by richard37066 »

Hey, Ophir!

I've got Russ' back on this one! He's given you the best possible advice available. Remember that old saying - There's no such thing as a dumb question if you really don't know the answer?

Not having seen the Gluck CD or heard anything else about Mac's book, I'm in no position to pass comment much less judgement on either.

If I were to pass along some up-front advice, I might suggest that you take stock of all of the tools - hand and power - in your shop and make up a list for presentation to the members. The wise heads among us can then make a case for any additional things that they deem necessary for a complete build. For those metal items that can't be fabricated easily in your shop, you might enlist the aid of the members - for a nominal fee - in obtaining such things as end plates, changer parts, bellcranks, etc.. The thrust of this suggestion is obvious - without the proper tools at hand, any attempt at a build is nothing more than an exercise in futility. No sense in biting off more than you can chew only to have to abandon a project in mid-stream.

As an example of the pitfalls, I can relate that I have every imaginable tool in my shop EXCEPT a milling machine and a lathe. Small lathes are readily available. No problem. A milling machine is a different animal, entirely. Ya see? I've got my share of problems, too!

I know that I've sounded a bit negative, above, but you must also remember another old saying: - Where there's a will, there's a way. If you really want to construct an instrument, then Russ' advice holds sway. The information is here - just ask.

Hope that this helps to focus on the task at hand.

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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by Ophir »

Thanks Russ and Richard. I figure all metalwork would need to be outsourced for pedal steels. I have made a couple of bridges for 8 string lap steels out of stainless rod fixed to angle but think I'll ask for any members here to help out with fabricating metal parts when the time comes for me to attempt pedal steel building. Thanks guys. :)
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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by mac639 »

Hey folks!
I haven't posted on here for a long time....close to a year! Noticed you mentioned my "book project" We sold our house in town last October and moved out to our daughter's place in the country ( Built an apartment there for Joyce & I.....took us all winter. Finally moved in in April after living in the big house with them all winter. I've not had a shop or anything for almost a year. Finally this week started to build my shop up again. And the book, never finished it yet, haven't even touched my steel guitar for at least six months. The plan was to take pictures etc. as I built the instruments but wasn't able to as you can see. Anyway, there are so many beautiful steels being made lately I probably won't make any more conventional ones unless somebody wants one. But I'm going to continue to perfect the experimental one I made last year similiar in concept to the old Fender PS210. That's what I like to do outside the box a bit. I read the posts here often....congratulations, you guys are building some really nice instruments.
Talk to you later,
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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by richard37066 »

Mac -

Ya sneaky ol' dog! Yer gonna beat me to that "knife edge" changer as found on the PS210. No matter. I'll be the first one who'll want to see what you came up with and how well it works. Can't wait! Keep us informed. Might even want to buy one from you.

Forge ahead, my friend.

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Re: Building Pedal Steel Books

Post by shobudmaverick »

I know I would be interested in a book on how to build a pedal steel which I havent ever even built a lap steel but I hope at some point to get into some building it may be a while but Im looking into it.
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