"The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

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"The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by richard37066 »

To one and all -

I trust that Ed Packard - a new member - will not view me as impertinent in posting this.

For those not familiar with Ed and his work as seen on The Steel Guitar Forum, I'll offer a few homespun comments and steer you in a couple of interesting - to me - directions.

Ed will appear, most often, as an "egghead" - as am I to a degree. Now, don't let that dissuade you from sticking your noses into anything in depth that he might post. In my experience, he is very approachable and not above reducing complex topics to terms more readily understandable. His approach is that of the scientist and his reporting of his findings follows in like manner. His explanations are usually "spot-on" thus understanding is made quite easily.

Of particular interest to those who may not have seen it on the SGF is a study that Ed made with Jim Palanscar some many years ago. They measured the sonic qualities of 30+ PSGs and posted their results - said results to be found on his Photobucket account. Just click on the link that he has provided under the pickup discussion, move to "Ed Packard's Profile" and then access the photos titled "PSG data re 30 instruments". The graphics shown will clearly give you an idea of the differences to be found between a wide variety of instruments.

Is Ed a builder? A designer? I would ask you to really examine his instrument which has been dubbed "The Beast". There are, indeed, innovations to be found in the design. Further, when comparing the data derived from "The Beast" as opposed to the other instruments one cannot escape the fact that response and sustain appear to be superior to the brand name guitars tested. To what can this difference be attributed? I have made a couple of good guesses (having stuck my nose deeply into those posts) but Ed could enlighten those who are interested in better fashion. I may have missed something somewhere along the way but I'd like to hear a quality recording of "The Beast" so as to make my own determination of that damnable, subjective quality called "tone".

I've been ragging Ed for some time concerning his all-electronic pickup. He's indicated that his design will be made public and, thus, able to be replicated. I can't wait!

I, personally, welcome his presence. I have no doubt that his contributions will be many and valuable.

There. I've tooted his horn. I feel better.

Paul Lafountaine
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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by Paul Lafountaine »

:lol: Oh my God Richard! Does this mean there are 2 of you???? Just funning.

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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by richard37066 »

Paul -

YEP! I'm on the side of good ole Ed. But if you place my position in proper context - along with the likes of Ed Packard, et al, - then you'll realize, once again, that the thrust of my posts are 1) To educate, if I'm in possession of the truth of a matter and 2) To attempt to stimulate the imaginative minds of the members of this forum. Georg, for example, is actively working on a radical interpretation of the steel guitar. Will it work? I think that it will but it really doesn't matter. In the process of describing his theories he has, no doubt, jangled the thought processes of some of the members such that they, too, will occasionally think out of the box. I, on the other hand, have a couple of coccamamy ideas such as an isolated neck structure, the adaptation of a knife-edge changer, levers on crossrods (stolen idea) and an integral mechanical superstructure (also stolen) to which all of the mechanicals are glued and screwed and which should set a couple of people to thinking in a slightly different direction - hopefully.

Ed is a scientist. I'm sort of a half scientist in that I don't think that my degree matches his. I've made an effort to research a few items that normally fall outside the usual realm of thinking and to present the information for the benefit of all members. Having been a follower of Ed's work for some time, I know that he, too, does not post unless he believes that such posts will be of benefit to all who would take the time to read and absorb the information.

If I'm a cheerleader for the esteemed Mr. Packard it's because I can learn from some of the things about which he writes. I have a thirst for learning that just won't quit. Always have - always will.

I wrote my original post hoping that many of the members would access the links and, thus, learn a thing or two about our beloved instrument. It should be evident, from the posts of many, that they are not satisfied with the status quo and are digging for better things - better ways of doing things. It's the learning process.

And no - in case you were wondering - I'm not offended at all in being ragged by you or anyone else. 'Tis said that if we can't laugh at ourselves then we are void of humor itself.

Are there two of us? Naaaahh. Maybe 1 1/2 - or less.

At the risk of repeating myself, check out "The Beast". There's some good stuff in that design.

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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by Georg »

richard37066 wrote:I have a thirst for learning that just won't quit. Always have - always will.
Hear, hear!
Not much else in life that matters.
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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by azureskys »

Learning something new once in awhile keeps me sane or at least helps. Russ
Paul Lafountaine
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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by Paul Lafountaine »

I love your posts Richard and hope to see them keep coming. You share you knowledge and expertise with us all and it is appreciated. Us newbies need your talent and when I read your posts, I always learn something new.

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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by Dave L »

I agree, love reading Richards posts. In this knee jerk, sound byte, miss-direction/lie to your face world it is refreshing to see some people with the ability to us critical thinking and the application of the scientific method. why? when? how? show me. Design, make, test, publish to peers. Peers take it apart, find the good-bad-ugly send back, re-design, fix errors, re-publish. The net result, something that hopefully is better for all. This system works i think, for just about everything.

Of course being a Dad, Granddad, former leader there are times when "because I said so" does come into play. Empirical knowledge of been there, done that and I know this works just "GITTER DONE". This however doesn't imply that better ways can't still be found and explored down the road. Must keep thinking, exploring, experimenting and learning new ways and methods.

To all the critical thinkers, Thank You.

P.S. Don't be like me sometimes and let it get in your way of actually doing it, nothing can replace experience. Make mistakes, learn and do better next time, I think that is an important part of the scientific method.

ed packard
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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by ed packard »

Richard…now who would question your “pertinence?

As the BEAST made its way into the topic title, lets do the Who, when,where, why,what of the device.

The BEAST is a PSG design using several uncommon components and approaches in its design.

It has a 30” scale length, and a 32” string length.
This is placed upon a Sierra Session series frame = aluminum with mica.
It has two interchangeable pickups with switchable taps and phases.
The changer has an integrated tuner = keyless/gearless.
The changer/tuner is on the players left.
The bridge is on the players right.
The bridge allows changing the string contact material.
Shallow string angles are used for both bridge and changer/tuner.
The BEAST has 14 strings…same gauges as the E9/B6 uni but tuned to C69, not E69.
The strings are 11/32” apart at both ends.
There is no neck block. Aluminum rails are used to hold the etched glass neckboard.
There is lots of room for circuitry beneath the glass neck plate/fret board.
Someday, the glass neck plate and fretboard will be replaced by a computer driven LCD.
Along with the E9/A6/B6 like setup, it also has an EM13,E13, Em13 = 13 series structure
using two pedals. Because the scale length is 30”, it is really in C, not E.
The BEAST is loaded with 10 pedals, seven levers, and a lock.
B0b from the SGF gave it that name after seeing, and playing it thru headphones at the
Mesa AZ show many years back.
The BEAST prototype dates to about 2000…the Sierra built instrument dates to abt 2004.

What was the reason to build the BEAST?..to be able to evaluate some industry myths.

Longer strings give more sustain…T or F.
The differences of pickup placement vs. tone.
The differences of bar to bridge vs. bar to changer.
String angle at the contact points.
And other well discussed issues.

In Dec 2005, we did the 30+ PSG tests at Jim Palenscar’s shop. Jim did the physical measurements and the material list…I did the photos and the sonic profiling via Frequency Spectrum Analyzer. The BEAST was one of the PSGs tested. Here is the link to the photos and data.

http://s75.photobucket.com/albums/i287/ ... STRUMENTS/

Here is a listing of the PSGs tested…there are four more of these pages for the other parameters of these PSGs.


Later we will look at the sonic performance charts and their meaning.

Here is a link to the details of the BEAST. http://s75.photobucket.com/albums/i287/ ... 20CHANGER/

And here is an overview of the BEAST.

See what RICHARD has started? If this stuff bores you let me know and I will cease and desist.

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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by richard37066 »


Do I detect the odor of burning brain matter amongst the troops?

Sure hope so, Bubba.

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Re: "The Beast" - And Other Good Pertinent Stuff

Post by Georg »

richard37066 wrote:Do I detect the odor of burning brain matter amongst the troops?
(Only ordinary farm-odors around here.)

Haven't measured but I can "picture" my old Bell's sonic properties in amongst those that are and the floating neck looks good.
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