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need your opinion

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:58 pm
by azureskys
Hello all , id like some opinions on what a good pedal steel guitar consist of, is it the material its made from , the sound , the changer design, construction techniques or what in your opinion makes a good pedal steel guitar? Russ(azureskys)

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:22 pm
by Bent
Well, Russ, I have never been lacking in the opinions department!
Paul Franklin once told us The steel guitar is as good as the sum of all its parts. I believe this to be true.
All the things you mentioned add up to a good instrument. The differences are not huge. I believe it is imperceptible whether we use birdseye or hard maple for example. Opinions of what is good and what is not so good, is very individual. Some people swear by all aluminum frame and hardly any wood, saying that this produces the best sound. Sure, I agree that this is the best guitar for that person.

When we build a guitar, we should try to build it as strong as possible, with the right weight balancing in mind. This is a tough call for a beginner like me - it takes many years and many guitars to achieve this balance.

I believe in experimenting:I build my changers with brass in the fingers. I believe this enhances the tone to my ears. But I have not taken weight into consideration here. This changer weighs substantially more than a changer with aluminum fingers.

For now, until I get convinced that other types are better, I believe in the "rattler" type of guitars, where sound transference goes all the way throughout the body and down through the legs and back up through the strings. Therefor, plastic being a dead product sound wise, I endeavor to use as little of that as possible. Some people disagree with this and that is good, again to their ears.

The pickup is one of the most important devices for sound and tone on a pedal steel.

This is just for starters, to get the ball rolling :-) Bring it on the rest of you!

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:40 pm
by richard37066
Russ -

Although I have firm ideas about some things inherent to the construction of the PSG I am also quite mindful of the success of many builders who have used time-proven materials and techniques in their instruments. My first suggestion would be that you scour this forum and the Steel Guitar Forum for photos of instruments. In addition, go to the websites of the manufacturers and pick apart all of the niceties in their photos, also. Look at their lists of features contained in the instruments. Materials will usually be listed. Be patient. This may take some time. Have a notebook and pen at hand. Take copious notes.

Bent mentioned that he uses brass for the changer fingers. He has taken the material question to a higher level by using the harder brass as opposed to the softer aluminum. I, personally, wouldn't use anything but stainless steel. The reason? You're no doubt familiar with the "grooving" to be found in aluminum fingers after many hours of playing. This is as a result of the string vibrating against the finger and abrading the surface. It won't happen with stainless. At least not in your lifetime. I've gotten picky. Sorry.

My absolute best suggestion is: - Do your homework! There's a wealth of material to be gathered from the sources that I've mentioned. You can easily put the sundried pieces together and construct a good machine right out of the box! Just cherry pick your notes and you'll be in good shape. If you get hung up on something in particular, then folks like Bent will jump in and help.

Hope this tends to steer you in the right direction.


Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:42 pm
by Georg
All the above, but, IMO, "sustain", "stability" and "playability" is what separate the really good PSGs from all the others. Well-built, and well-tuned, "rattlers" tend to score high on "sustain", mainly because there is a lot of vibration-energy from the strings building up in the construction that re-energize the strings as initial string vibration dies down.

To expand: a "rattler" is most often a PSG with some "loose" connections between relatively heavy metal parts, and it is the minute, and well-tuned, gaps between parts that gives it its characteristic energy-flow and -storage.
A mechanically well-tuned Emmons PPs is a good example of a "rattler", and there is no rule that says that a regular All-Pull can't become an exceptional "rattler" - just not through the common changer scissors since they don't have the weight and rigidity to transfer heavy vibrations well.

The all-important "tone" that we all are seeking, can be body-tone generated in the PSG itself and/or it can be generated in the sound-chain. I don't prioritize body-tone as much as I do clear string-tone and "sustain".

I only give points for "look", outside and inside, when a PSG sounds and plays perfect, but I guess that's just me.

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:47 pm
by louckswayne
I am new to building but have played steel for many years. To me a good psg. would
be sharp looking, be pleasant to play with nice pedal action, hold its tuneing well,
and have great tone! I think that you could get this with a GFI, Emmons, Rains, Carter
etc. Most of the best steel players in the world use psgs. built by these and other
major builders. Construction wise they have small differences, but the basic design
concept is quite close between the builders. We, as home builders can feel free to
try a new idea if we like which may work out well or not!
Just my 2 cents.

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:32 am
by Bent
Wayne, that opinion was worth way more than 2c

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:36 am
by richard37066
Wayne -
We, as home builders can feel free to
try a new idea if we like which may work out well or not!
You have a venturesome spirit! I like that!


Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:49 pm
by azureskys
Every opinion is worth alot to me , thank you guys , I always wanted to be different but still want to acheive the same goal trying not to be to far off the wall with design and function if you know what i mean .Ive seen alot of different guitars that pretty much all look alike but one that stands out in my search is the moyo , from what i seen its very different than most everything else ive seen looks wise that is and the sustain is fantastic no rollers on the bridge changer and tuner at one end , im still not sure if i like the keyless or the keyed better, i know with the keys you have that traditional look but then again the keyless does give it a nice look, guess its all in the taste.I like the wood look also, nothing prettier than some nice grained wood. I hope to have something to show you in a few weeks. thanks again for your opinions

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:03 pm
by louckswayne
The "moyo" design that your refering to is a bit out of the box. It might be a bit harder
to get info about building a design like this but if thats where your aiming at everyone
here on the forum will help any way they can! Good luck with your project and
keep us posted!

Re: need your opinion

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:46 pm
by azureskys
Hi Wayne , what i ment about the moyo was that its different as compared to other psg s, i was looking for opinions about what makes a good pedal steel , looks functionality, materials etc etc , i want to build something thats different than the same ole thing , i know ideas and opinions will very thats why i ask your opinions idea are very abundant on here plus i have some of my own to incorperate into my design .thanks again Russ