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8 string completed

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:17 pm
by Paul Higgins
Hello a few pics....

Pick up made by Bent
Fret/fingerboard made by Chris Dew design was just a simple nothing too fancy

Re: 8 string completed

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:21 pm
by Paul Higgins
pics The bridge and string holder are stright it looks as if they are not in the photo

Re: 8 string completed

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:43 pm
by Allan
Nice one Paul! You must be the forum speed building champion... :)
How does it sound?

Re: 8 string completed

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:41 pm
by Bent
Paul, that's fine work my man. I'm proud to see my pickup on it! Now all we need is a description of the sound and then an actual sound clip or video clip.
At first try, you told me there was no hum. Second attempt you said acceptable hum. Do you still feel it's acceptable once you got it into the guitar?

Re: 8 string completed

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:42 pm
by Paul Higgins
Thank you Allan and Bent

I did get a bit held up with the weather as I could only do a lot of it out doors,
I dont know about being the fastest builder once the birds where sorted I have nothing to do all d ay..if i was selling them I prob would make up jigs would be a lot easyer then....

But as soon as I am starting to get some time to my self again I got roped in to stand in for a mate for him to go on holiday for 3 weeks doing bird control on the landfill with the I am out early and not getting back till evening and to be honest too tied to do much learning....Now with the 8 string I will have to go on SGF to find out what to do with the other 2,

Right the dreded HUM............when I tried it first I held it above the strings of the six string and couldent hear anything......the hum I am hearing now is with the amp turned right up..
so what I did was leave all the setting,s as they where and pluged the six in and got no hum

This is now where it gets awkward as Alan ask how dose it sound
this is the problem it sounds great to me but I have nothing compare it to...I have looked at youtube and have cd of Doug,s but I dont know what type of amp,s they have and what else is done to alter the sound if any by the time I get to hear them...and to me they all sound fantistic
Not being able to play it yet its difficult to do a sound thingie, I will as my son, the weekend how to do one and maybe just play a few chords and put it some where so you can hear it

The only thing different apart from the extra 2 strings is I tried smaller pots there is more control over the tone but I dont think it would highlite any hum (or would it ) your thoughts on that are welcome..
As for acceptable may be you will be able to tell from the sound clip..
Your thought,s are welcome
Regards Paul

Re: 8 string completed

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:35 pm
by Peter_Den_Hartogh
Try to connect the free lug on the volume control to ground.
Maybe that helps?