Need some help with Measurements Please

Solid Body Steels, Reso, Weissenborn...
Paul Higgins
Posts: 63
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Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

Hi Bent...
Yes you are right Allan has been great and very helpful and I hope he will stay with me and continue his surport....

No the timber I got was maple..( I will find out the name of the other stuff that looks like oak )but is not...
the string spacing is 11/32 as it seems most popular..and 24"scale length..
I will try and do some photo's as i progress .

Please dont not chip your view's as they are all helpful and Im sure Allan wouldent mind...
I hope to start laying out drawing Monday..
My wife thinks I lost the plot especially when I told her I had 150 mile round trip to collect the wood...OH ye of little faith..
I will try and do some pic's as I progress..
thank's again Bent take care best Regards Paul
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Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Allan »

Hi Paul,

Sounds like you are getting it together there. If you let me have your email address I will get the fret spacing drawings off to you. Send me a PM with the email, not a good idea to put it on the open forum.

Only nuts eat squirrels.
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Paul Higgins
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Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

Hi Allan..
Ive sent PM with email address..not too worried about email address
Im still waiting for that bloke in Nigera to send me the 2million he was left by the king but needed a uk bank details ..and that was ages ago now....Do you think he might of forgot !

Ive been looking at humbuckers on a well knowen uk site
what is a hot wire ? they are all different..
I notice on some guitars they have covers over they need covers or is that just the type of pick up they use.. so many questions
As Im marking out, I said to myself the work involved I might as well go for 8 string same amount of work...went on the internet to price 8 string pickup's but all I could find where more than £100 so that finished That idea..there is no way I could justfy spending that amount of money..well at the present time it was nice while it lasted..
Best regards Paul
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Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Allan »

Paul Higgins wrote:Hi Allan..
Ive sent PM with email address..not too worried about email address
Im still waiting for that bloke in Nigera to send me the 2million he was left by the king but needed a uk bank details ..and that was ages ago now....Do you think he might of forgot !

Ive been looking at humbuckers on a well knowen uk site
what is a hot wire ? they are all different..
I notice on some guitars they have covers over they need covers or is that just the type of pick up they use.. so many questions
As Im marking out, I said to myself the work involved I might as well go for 8 string same amount of work...went on the internet to price 8 string pickup's but all I could find where more than £100 so that finished That idea..there is no way I could justfy spending that amount of money..well at the present time it was nice while it lasted..
Best regards Paul
Hi Paul,
I sent the fret diagrams today, hope you got them OK...

Regarding the above: Pickups, get what you can afford, you can always change it out later. Different people like the sound from different pickups so you need to get something to start out with so you have a basis for thought and discussion. As far as covers go, operationally, no real difference. I like the ones without covers, but that's just me.
Tuning head: I may have a drawing around here for a six string head, I will have a look and get it to you if I do.

As far as your PM is concerned, I only needed the email address there really. It's not a good idea to post an email on an open forum because it can lead to all sorts of spam and junk coming to your address.
Regarding the subject of the string ends, it is generally OK to copy anything you see on the net. It is NOT OK to copy other peoples ideas if you are building stuff to sell. For own use - usually no probs.
The pots you need will be fine if you get them from Maplin. Do get the best quality that you can if they have a choice though. They will last much better. Sure I know Maplins! I am from the UK remember - I just happen to be living in the US now. :)
As you will have seen in your thread about what pots to use, there are a LOT of opinions. My opinion boils down to this...
Volume - 500K Logarithmic
Tone - 500K Linear
Capacitor - .022mF
You should be able to get all of that stuff in a Maplins shop or through their catalogue with no problem at all. If you go to a guitar parts supplier for the same thing you can easily pay double for exactly the same items.

You must be close to finishing your layout now so feel free to post pics of what you are going to do if you want comment before taking a saw to that nice chunk of timber. :)

Regards, Allan.....
Only nuts eat squirrels.
Keep yer tools sharp! That way you can use more of your strength guiding them AWAY from your body rather than forcing the cut!!!
Paul Higgins
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:35 pm

Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

Hello again Allan.....
Yes sorry I keep forgeting your scottish, / Welsh.
received the brass bar, pickup turners today so it almost completes what I am waiting for...I thought what you where saying and also Bent about volume tone controls and the need or not need for them....I think I will prob put them on one of the reason is I have a home made earphone amp but dosent have volume or tone on it...also the amp I have at the mo, is quite old and prob isent the best so for now a little help for it for now might be best..and if ness I dont have to use them once I have a decent amp and volume pedal....

Yes thank you I have received the fret scale ..
One thing that comes to mind what distance to put the pickup from the bridge.??
I know you where saying about the strat where one pickup is slanted and makes a differance to the what would you surgest.?

I have printed the post's out so as to recap on measurements...Now I have the turners I should be able to work the neck out now..I did have a look at your 8 string so have some idea now but dident realy want to commit till i had the turners...

Yes I will post pics as I progress if it is a winner it might help other's that come behind me..
I do like try to give back if I can..
Best regards Paul ps prob go to maplins today and finish my drawing tonight.!
I purchased volume and control, polyester 0.22uf and 1/4 jack plug female..
so I guess that compleat's shopping to drawing !
RdGs Paul
Paul Higgins
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:35 pm

Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

Im hoping with this post to include some photo's of progress..if the appear then ive found how to upload them..not the best of photo's.
Also an other question...Hight from strings to fret board please..
I think I remember a post (carnt find it at the mo ) but it said strings to pickup should be the thickness of a dime, My pick up only sits a few mil off the guitar most of it is sunk in,
Example..say the hight of the strings are 1/4 ins high off the fret board..then the strings would be 1/2 gap between the strings and the pick up hope Ive explained this ok difficult to explain in text Sorry Regards Paul
Ps one photo'is lost somewhere floating in space somewhere...
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Last edited by Paul Higgins on Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Paul Higgins
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:35 pm

Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

some photo's
carved head.JPG
carved head.JPG (105.15 KiB) Viewed 2293 times
Paul Higgins
Posts: 63
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Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

Posts: 419
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Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Allan »

Sounds like you may have gone a little to deep routing the hole for the pickup but that is not a big problem. If you can tell me the make of the pickup I will take a look on the net for a picture of it and then tell you how to deal with it. For now, just to give you an idea, have a look HERE.

Only nuts eat squirrels.
Keep yer tools sharp! That way you can use more of your strength guiding them AWAY from your body rather than forcing the cut!!!
Paul Higgins
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:35 pm

Re: Need some help with Measurements Please

Post by Paul Higgins »

I havent cut the hole yet....
Axesrus "Magic Mirror " Humbuckers

ive just had an other look at the pick up which as you will see, it comes with one of thoes things on the link.... that is adjustible up and down to raise or lower the hight..
I thought it sat flush or slightly proud of the body

So brings us back to hight of strings above the fret board and the hight above pickup
thank you once again..Regards Paul
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