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PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 11:56 am
by Dave-M
Yesterday, just to see if I could do it, using Excel, I made a dynamic C6 ten-string PSG numeric neck layout for the first 12 frets in the key of C. Today, using a similar strategy, I made one for E9 in the key of E.

On a second data sheet I made numeric layouts of what the various pedals would do to the strings. These get copied to the display sheet by subroutines invoked via the selector form I made using the Visual Basic Editor embedded in Excel.

The Pedal Selector form pops up over the spreadsheet when ctrl-shift-G (for GO) is pressed. The ctrl-shift-G macro sometimes fails to pop up the pedal selector, so use Alt-F8 > MacroG > Run. This allows the numerics on the neck to be seen as different pedals and levers are selected.

If anyone wants a copy, they are on my Skydrive at:
Dave-M’s Skydrive

They don’t run on Skydrive, so you have to download them to run them.

To download from Skydrive:
1) Hover your cursor over the file to be downloaded.
2) Left click the “i” that appears in a circle at the right.
3) Left click the DOWNLOAD in blue that appears at the right of the list box.

Enable macros when you open them. (I included no macro viruses, guaranteed!)

If anyone downloads this spreadsheet and prefers note letter designations, you can change the numbers to letters on the DATA sheet. There are no math manipulations.

If you want to see the VB stuff in the back room, press Alt-F11 for the Editor.

If anyone spots an error in operation, please advise me.

Dave Marshall

Note: Files edited Jun-30-11 to correct typo and minor subroutine anomaly.

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:55 am
by Dave-M
I see 20 people looked at this post. Being a Virgo I just had to fix a minor mislabelling of the pedal selector forms in both files. It was an oversight from my first try on an 8-string C6 file.

Heres what the selector looks like for the C6 file now.
sel.jpg (11.12 KiB) Viewed 2492 times
And here's the layout with pedals 3 and 4 selected.
C6-1.jpg (53.14 KiB) Viewed 2492 times

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:30 am
by Dave-M
Here's the same for E9. I used Pat's copedant.
e9-sel.jpg (16.76 KiB) Viewed 2492 times
e9.jpg (52.44 KiB) Viewed 2492 times
Pedal-4 and LKR are selected.

For some reason unknown, Alt PrintScreen will not show the selector overlaying the spreadsheet. Something to do with Visual Basic, I think.

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:54 pm
by Eldon
Lot of work there Dave, good stuff.

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:01 pm
by Dave-M
Thanks, Eldon! I was not sure whether anyone besides myself would use these.

I'm about to convert an 8-string console C6 non-pedal into a PSG, and try one more time to master it. It helps me to know where the various chords are. Since I use numerics, I can tell what is what better than with alphabetics.

If anyone really is interested in having alphabetics, and feels hesitant in fixing up the existing files themselves, I will do it. But if it is a "HO-HUM, Dave is at it again!" scenario then I will not bother.

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:18 pm
by Dave-M
Just to show you that it is fairly easy to program, once you figure out the syntax, here is the code for the Reset function in the C6 file.

Code: Select all

Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
    cmdP1.BackColor = &H8000000F
    cmdP2.BackColor = &H8000000F
    cmdP3.BackColor = &H8000000F
    cmdP4.BackColor = &H8000000F
    cmdP5.BackColor = &H8000000F
    cmdK1.BackColor = &H8000000F
    cmdP1.ForeColor = &H80000012
    cmdP2.ForeColor = &H80000012
    cmdP3.ForeColor = &H80000012
    cmdP4.ForeColor = &H80000012
    cmdP5.ForeColor = &H80000012
    cmdK1.ForeColor = &H80000012
    CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:20 pm
by Paul Lafountaine
Nice work Dave. Very helpful for us newbies. Your work is much appreciated. Thank you!


Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:53 am
by Dave-M
Thanks, Paul. I'm delighted someone could use this stuff.

If anyone has other copedants they want, I will be happy to make them. Specify alphabetic or numeric.

The way I figured out what to do was by maro recording, then cleaned up the macro to get rid of extraneous commands. My first attempt had a different macro hot-key for each pedal.

Later I copied the macros to the cmdButtonX_Click () routines after I put buttons in a form. I guess I have more aptitude for messing around with this stuff than playing the steels ... LOL.

I envy you guys who get those sweet sounds out of your instruments!

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:26 am
by Dave-M
I just put the 30-fret spacing program FRETSV01.exe in my Skydrive (see post 1 for link). I also put the QB45 Basic source code there too in case anyone is interested.

It handles any string length and any measurement system. For inches, I had it calculate in 64ths as well as decimal. It makes a log file in the directory (folder) it is in. Rename the log file if you want different string lengths, or it will over-write the previous log.

You can read the log file with Notepad, or any other word processor, since it is written in "text". The source code can also be read similarly.

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 1:29 pm
by ed packard
DAVE-M and others:

I have Excell programs that solve for chord locations for several tuning/setups. These are quite extensive, and cover inversions etc.. Anyone interested can email me and I will email one or more of them to
You might find something in there that you could use. ... %20series/
Shows some of the format for my 14 string E69/A6/B6/13 series setup. ... 20palette/
shows some of the formats re the 14 string Bb13 tuning/setup.

E9, C6, and others available.

Nice work Dave...maybe you have started something.