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Measure twice, cut once... (yeah, right!)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:18 pm
by Allan
I have no idea why I am posting this. I should keep my mouth shut and my head down.
A day or two ago I posted a picture of the lap steel I just completed for my Son In Law. I decided to build a case for it before I sent it off to him. I completed the case today - looking good!
Then I went to put the guitar in it - not looking good. I forgot to allow for the inner lip on the bottom when I worked out the size of it all. The thing is so much made to size that the guitar will not go into it by about a quarter of an inch.
There is a queue forming here to kick my butt - if I could get around there I would be first!
What is that saying? Measure once, cut twice or something like that? :oops:
Oh well, with the practice I just got, the next one (tomorrow) should be better all round. :roll:


Re: Measure twice, cut once... (yeah, right!)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:51 pm
by village idiot
I emphasis with your efforts /aggravation. During my recent retirement, I operated a custom cabinet shop and while most jobs went fairly smoothly, I ran into a particular part of a corner unit where it didn't seem to matter how many times I measured it was destined to cut too long/short..... I was to the point of making a jig to facilitate rump kicking but finally the fates smiled upon me. Will admit that every cut got a little better until I got it right. I'm sure your next one will be perfect.

The village idiot

Re: Measure twice, cut once... (yeah, right!)

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:57 pm
by Eldon
Allan, I'm really glad you posted. Now I don't feel so lonely. Should know better I usually measure once and cut 2 or more times. Makes us human I suppose. Darn nuisance sometimes though. Doesn't the Bible say something about casting first stones and logs in one's eye. Hate to disapoint you but I won't be lining up for a kick.

Re: Measure twice, cut once... (yeah, right!)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:02 pm
by Bill Ford
My Cousin has a saying that fits this post.

Dang!!!!!! I done cut it off three times, and it's still too short.....go figger, been there done that.


Re: Measure twice, cut once... (yeah, right!)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:47 pm
by azureskys
Ive used that butt kickin jig alot Allen. I made a violin one time and fogot to put in the bass bar before i glued the top on , ive cut wood too short at times ruining a great piece of wood too, the list could go on and on etc etc :shock: Keep pickin (or cuttin maybe lol) It ll get shorter sure wont get any longer lol Russ