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Changer Springs - Thanks Bent!

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:42 am
by Eldon
I don't know if I should make this public but Bent made me a real nice set of changer springs. I'm not quite ready for them yet but it won't slow me down when I get to that point. Thanks again Bent!

Re: Changer Springs - Thanks Bent!

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:15 am
by Allan
Is there anything that guy CAN'T make? He builds complete guitars with bits he has milled using a table saw - now he winds pickups and makes his own springs! It will all slow down once he starts to grow his own wood though!

Re: Changer Springs - Thanks Bent!

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:09 pm
by Bent
Eldon, thanks for the nice words about my springs. I hope they suit you.
Allan, always our funnyman, thanks for the plug my friend. I just love what I am doing. Couldn't ask for a better hobby than this.
Well, actually, growing my own wood might not slow me down all that much. I've got my eye on this big black Walnut in our front yard. About 2 feet thick at the root and straight as an arrow for 18 feet or so. Too bad it's a bit too soft for steel bodies.