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Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:04 pm
by Dave-M
Thanks for the compliment, Ed. At 71 I like to exercise my grey matter whenever I can so I don't turn into a turnip!

When it comes to steel playing, though, I'm still a wannabe! Something's missing in my "wiring", and I have slow reflexes!

As my new avatar indicates, I'm a better nit-picker than a guit-picker!

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:55 am
by ed packard
Ahoy there "youngster"...I am 78, and doing the same thing.

I don't see any other thread dealing with "user solutions" and "tuning analysis" on this Forum...maybe this one can be an info center for such.

I am going to email you my Excel pgm for tuning analysis. The user enters strings, peds, levs, key, scale name, etc., then activates peds and levs of interest. The user then gets named chords using each string as the root, neck info in notes and in intervals, and a bunch of other stuff including the neck in frequencies.

Enter the scale length and string gauge and get the tension for each string for whatever peds and levs are activated.

Use a macro to automatically solve for all (or designated set) ped/lev combinations.

This is the "solvers" program. Using this pgm provides the info for the "players" pgm which is the listing of 3,4,5,6,&7 tone chords using each string as the root. The "player" can then enter the desired key and find the fret and string for the root and name of the desired chord from the sortable listing.

The fun part was to teach the pgm to "name" the chords in a self consistant manner.

The "solvers" pgm has been applied to a lot of copeds/setups. I will send the one for my most simple setup. Let me know what you think. If results are positive, I will send the "players" pgm for the same machine.

Please send me an email that you would like the file sent to.
Edp (the older Phart)

Re: PSG Neck Dynamic Displays

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:04 pm
by Dave-M
Thanks, Ed.
Will send my email address to you through the forum mail.

I usually use QBasic for number crunching. I made a DOS exe program for my 8-string tuning, GDBGDBGD, which tells every fret and lever combo for a given numeric triplet. It helps that most of my peds/levs pull the same strings across the neck, so I cut it down to a 3-string search. It also tells me the names of all the chords containing my chosen three notes.

My copedant is in the April 30 post of
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