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Re: Pickup free

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:18 pm
by Bent
Allan, if you care to live on the wild side, and the PUP is shot anyway, you could send it here and I would attempt to fix it on the Wayward Wind(er) unless of course you want to fiddle with it yourself

Re: Pickup free

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:15 am
by Allan
It is way beyond repair Bent. By the time I got the swarf piece out of it the end was close. I was hoping to get some wire off it to play with but it was damaged through so many layers I just took it apart in the end. It is an ex-pickup, it has shuffled of its mortal coil if you see what I mean. Actually, it is now a pile of magnets, The next stage is going to be in my mando I think.
Sorry my man, it is a no hope-er.
I don't know how it began its sojourn through the world of music but I sure hope no one payed a lot of money for it. Quality control was sadly lacking at the building stage.

Regards, Allan.....

Re: Pickup free

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:19 am
by Allan
Oh, Bent, don't go away yet! I have a question...
What do you feel is a good MAXIMUM speed for a winder? I am working on a new counter system for the one I am building but I have still got to set the drive speed and I have no experience and no clue!

Thanks, Allan.....

Re: Pickup free

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:20 am
by Bent
Sorry 'bout the PUP... Sometimes it's best to just let go. Some say it helps if you get another PUP :lol:

From my small experience into winders, it seems that my max speed is 300 RPM. I also feel it important to have a nice even speed curve up from 0 to 300 RPM. I feel I achieved this with my light dimmer switch pedal. I am now working on installing a stopper at 300 so my foot won't cramp up trying to maintain this speed.

Another related thing to the 300 RPM is this: My setup with the reed switch and calculator so far is only reliable to a 300 max. After that it misses counts.
I am installing a better switch that I got from Georg and hopefully this will help. NOT for faster speed but for reliable count.

Re: Pickup free

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:47 pm
by Allan
Thanks for the speed info Bent - appreciated.

Regards, Allan.....

Re: Pickup free

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:15 am
by Scott Howard

Sorry the pickup was total junk but I had the idea it was. I just didn't want to throw it away if anybody could use it or part of it. At least you had something to stay busy for a few minutes. ;) Don't worry about the shipping . Scott

Re: Pickup free

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:57 am
by Allan
Scott, You are a gentleman and a scholar Sir! Actually, I have ended up with a non-ferrous backing plate and a bunch of magnets. :)

Hope your eBay ventures are going well, Allan.....