F lever on pull-release

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Keith Cary
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2016 4:16 pm

F lever on pull-release

Post by Keith Cary »

Hi all. I've worked on several pull-release guitars, all old ShoBud or part ShoBud. I can now set up on E lever with a C pedal on a pull-release. It's tricky but doable. But my question concerns the easier F lever. Have any of you ever considered using a cable to link it to the C pedal cross shaft, on the upper E? Just an idle question, because one way or another there needs to be some give there. ----- Another question: has anyone here ever mixed pull-release fingers with a couple of all-pull fingers on the same changer? I ask because I like everything about pull-release except the pain and suffering associated with the E lowers and raises.
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