Aluminum angle nut and bridge

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Aluminum angle nut and bridge

Post by jessegimbel »

I've been perusing this forum for a bit - great info all around! Really appreciate having a place for this kind of discussion.

I see a lot of people mentioning and posting photos of nuts made of aluminum angle, and also aluminum angle bridges. However I've seen almost no photos of lap steels with both nuts and bridges made of the material, only one or the other with the other piece generally being made of rod. I'm wondering if this is for aesthetic reasons or if there's a practical reason.

Here's what I've worked out so far for the design I'm going to built, based on an old Supro (ignore the bottom piece, without the measurements there it doesn't make a lot of sense). I'm planning on using aluminum angle for both the bridge and nut, with a string-thru below the nut. With wanting the strings to be parallel this seems like a logical choice to me, but I've been a little surprised to rarely see it. Thanks!
Lapsteel Design.jpg
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Re: Aluminum angle nut and bridge

Post by andrew »

Hi Jesse

I think your design looks fine. When it comes to rod or angle, either will work. The only comment I would make is that as the nut needs to be grooved to take the strings, if you use rod then you would really need a lathe to be able to make those grooves, whereas with angle you can easily do it with some diamond files.

Hope that helps.

Sugartone Guitars
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